Who we are
Lesben* Leben Familie (LesLeFam) e.V. represents the interests of queer FLINTA* (queer women, lesbians, inter*, non-binary, trans* and agender people) of all ages in politics and society and is an active part of the queer community. Through our offers, activities and campaigns, we improve the visibility, participation and acceptance of queer FLINTA* and rainbow families – across generations and regardless of identity and life plans as well as family forms. We also show solidarity with all queer people, stand up for sexual and gender diversity and are an active part of the queer community. We stand for a queer-feminist, anti-fascist, intersectional, anti-racist and inclusive stance.
What we offer
Consultation, group-meetings, events, awareness-raising, network.
Contact us
Treffpunkt LesLeFam
Dolgenseestraße 21
10319 Berlin
E-Mail: info@leslefam.de
Telefon: 030 58682129